
Hightea @ IFC Le Salon De the De Joel Robuchon

年卅十,收爐日, 公司放3:30pm, 呢個時間最好去high個tea
難得全家人出動~ 今次去咗IFC 嘅 Le Salon De the De Joel Robuchon (完全唔識讀)
佢得walk-in, no booking, 好彩無乜人, 唔洗點等
入去即叫兩個tea set
menu~ $380 for 2
我叫嘅熱檸檬茶, 茶具都係自家品牌

點知佢話得番兩個scone, 其他幫我地轉croissant, 呢度最出名croissant, 所以都唔錯~ 我地要咗彩焦糖味, 朱古力味同呢間先有嘅開心果味

好精緻, 三文治係用醬搽, 所以一般
另一個, 原來開心果同croissant完全唔match ><
甜點同croissant 都好好食!!!! scone 就麻麻喇


"I run for a reason"

One of my 2014 goal is to lose some weight cause my weight had been reaching the highest in 5 years, OMGGGGG

I neva could be those skinny bitch since i m a foodie, but I can't let myself that chubby either
With upcoming Standard Chartered Marathon, I had resumed my jogging practice,  had been trying hard to run for 6-8km everyday, hope it helps to see some progress!

At the same time, I tried 16 hours fasting, and avoiding carbohydrates (not so succeed thou)

Let's see how it goes, keep fighting!


MO Bar x Lauduree Hightea

2014年第1日, 有乜野好過去high個tea~置地文華 MO Bar 同Lauduree crossover 咗hightea, 第一日開始接受booking 30min full 晒, 因為佢 9 Jan 就完, 我見之前有人成功walk-in, 於是我又去試下, 但係唔知醒, 所以去2nd round, 4:30pm =P
我大概4點幾到, 留咗名同電話, 附近行咗陣, 4:30再番去就有位, 文華d service 真係好好, 我之前打過去問佢都好好態度咁覆我, 話比我知幾點去可以試walk-in
不過佢無咗之前 desert buffet, 變咗5款cut cake, 最欣賞佢個scone size, 大少啱啱好

該次Crossover Lauduree也特別設計了鉑金款Macaroon
鹹點最like佢個紅菜頭鵝肝macaroon (右上), 口感好特別, 鵝肝醬好滑!
甜點除咗Lauduree最出名嘅rasberry macaroon, 個朱古力花生撻 (右下)都好有驚喜, 個樣普通但非常好味!

原本呢個hightea會送Lauduree 鎖匙扣, 但因為反應太熱烈,果1000 套key chain 淨係比到reservation嘅客人,walk-in 無, 不過我唔洗排餐死又食到已經好滿足喇!